December 2018 - Posting Dates & Holiday Hours
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We're Hiring!
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Woolly Mammoth Fibres
May 08 2018
It's time to have a look at some of the wonderful things the TIK team will be bringing to Woollinn! We have tried to fill our stand with special yarns, accessories and things to make you squee. So grab a pen and add to that already-growing list of things to pick up at Woollinn. PhotoCredit: Emma Robinson Woolly Mammoth Fibre...
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Free Shipping for Online Orders
February 28 2018
While the adverse weather lasts you can use the code: SnowDay to claim free shipping (world-wide) through our online shop. We'd also be delighted if you would share this code far and wide. As grateful as we are for the extra knitting time, three days loss of walk-in trade is a blow for any small business. We really appreciate your...
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Adverse Weather
February 28 2018
We made the decision to close today due to the Red Weather Warning. Our primary concern is the safety of our staff and the continued operation of public transport in these conditions was in question. We have since learned that the Powerscourt Centre itself will be closed on Thursday 1st and Friday 2nd of March. We'll post updates on social...
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Our Fibre Family and the Best Shops Competition
July 06 2016
The Irish Times Best Shops Competition has just been launched again for 2016. As ever they are seeking nominations across a number of categories for the best independent retailers in Ireland. We've been fortunate enough to have made the short list of finalists in previous years, and we're honoured that you, our amazing customers, have taken the time to vote...
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Guess the Grams!
June 14 2016
It's World Wide Knit in Public Day this coming Saturday the 18th of June. We'd like to extend an invitation to everyone to join us in the shop for a cool glass of summer cordial, a general party atmosphere and a fun competition :) We've filled a cute wooden crate with an assortment of gorgeous yarns, and we're asking you...
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And our KAL winner is...!
May 16 2016
When we announced our Spring KAL back at the end of February we could never have predicted how many utterly stunning shawls would result! The combination of this clever and elegant pattern, mixed with some stunning yarns and some very talented knitters has made this a very enjoyable KAL altogether. Our random number generator had to select just one winner...
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Christmas Giveaway!
December 16 2015
COMPETITION NOW CLOSED In the midst of all the wonderful generosity surrounding the 12 days of Tin Can Knits, with plenty of free patterns and shop discounts, we've decided to spread even more joy and add a cherry on top: by doing a Christmas Giveaway here on the blog! One lucky winner will receive one of our very popular "I...
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The Warm + Woolly Campaign
November 16 2015
With the holidays fast approaching, we are often reminded now, more than ever, of the importance of giving. If you'd like to contribute some knitted or crocheted projects for charity, Olann and Warm + Woolly Campaign is collecting winter essentials for the Simon Community, assisting the homeless of Ireland. With cold and harsh weather on it's way, many homeless individuals...
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And the winner is...
June 23 2015
It's a glorious summer's day in Dublin, so what better than to announce the winner of our Chicane Knit-Along! As you can see, Lisa's already rocking hers! Before we do, though, we want to thank Jimenez Joseph, the very clever designer of Chicane, both for the pattern and for her amazing input in the KAL thread on Ravelry (she's JimiKnits...
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Strike a Pose
June 20 2015
We had a huge amount of fun on WWKIP Day last week - thanks to everyone who came along and got in the spirit of things! Of course we had a big prize on offer for the best pose in our Photobooth and it's time to announce that the lovely Holly was our winner. She was one of the last...
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We're nominated again!
June 16 2015
We just found out some terrific news: we've been nominated again as Ireland's best local independent yarn store by Let's Knit Magazine! And it's voting time! You'll find all the details at this link - you're in with a chance of winning amazing first, second and third prizes when you vote, too. We were very proud to be awarded this...
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Yarn Shop Day for all!
May 01 2015
Tomorrow is Yarn Shop Day in the store, with goodie bags and special offers and all sorts of gleeful goings on all day! But if you can't make it in to visit us in person, we still have something special for you in the online shop. How about free shipping to any address in Ireland all this Bank Holiday weekend?...
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More love than...
February 10 2015
We're amazed at the response to our Valentine's Competition - reading your entries makes us smile so much. So here's a suggestion to enter if you haven't done so yet, and a reminder that you can enter as often as you like. The prize is a skein of stunning Townhouse Pembroke Silk, which is the yarn in the Heaven Scent...
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I love you much more than...
January 30 2015
We know for some of you the 14th of Feb is a key date in your calendar, and for others it's a "Hallmark Holiday" to be ignored. But... if you indulge your hidden romantic for a moment to join our fun "Valentine Verse" competition then you could WIN a skein of delicious "Pembroke Silk" from Townhouse Yarns. So, impossible as...
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A gift for you!
December 20 2014
We've got a little something for you! From now on, all of our Ravelry download patterns will be free! So delicious mittens like the Blueberry Mittens above are yours for the making. And what could be sweeter for a new baby than a pair of Candy Floss Bootees. Our most popular patterns are there, like the Cuddles and Cables Baby...
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We're Hiring!
October 06 2014
Superstar Seasonal Staff Member Required Join Our Team and Share Your Love of Yarn With Our Wonderful Customers! If you are: Outgoing and customer focussed Self motivated and hard working Reliable and enthusiastic Computer literate and highly organised A good communicator who enjoys helping people. Then we offer... A friendly & vibrant work environment in a stunning location Staff discounts...
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We won!
September 16 2014
Back in July, we were very proud to be nominated as the Best Local Independent Yarn Store in the Ireland category of the British Knitting Awards. Let's Knit and Let's Get Crafting magazines have collated the results of the voting, and we're now even prouder to say that we've won! It was you, our wonderful customers, who gave us this...
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We're nominated!
July 02 2014
We're up for an award! Let's Knit and Let's Get Crafting magazines are asking their readers to vote on the British Knitting Awards 2014, and a couple of days ago we heard that we've been nominated in the Best Local Independent Yarn Store (Ireland) category! As the only store in the Republic Of Ireland to have been nominated, we're thrilled!...
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