I love you much more than...

January 30 2015 – thisisknit

Love We know for some of you the 14th of Feb is a key date in your calendar, and for others it's a "Hallmark Holiday" to be ignored. But... if you indulge your hidden romantic for a moment to join our fun "Valentine Verse" competition then you could WIN a skein of delicious "Pembroke Silk" from Townhouse Yarns. Pembroke So, impossible as it is to imagine, there are some people in our lives that we love more than our craft, and we're asking you to complete the phrase "I love you much more than..." along a knitting or crochet theme. For example: I love you much more than Pure Cashmere Scarves, made of hand-dyed yarns from far away shores. or how about: I love you much more than my Colour Affection, perhaps you might buy me the yarn for my next one? or even: I love you much more than my whole yarn stash, And, really, you know how much I love that! Simply post your entry (or entries) in the comments below, and we will select a lucky winner on Valentines Day!


  • Sinead: September 16, 2020
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    I love you much more than knitting colours all day,
    Though I hear there’s some fun in just shades of Grey,
    So wrap me head to toe in softest Pembroke,
    And maybe I’ll give you that “come hither” look.

  • Sinead: September 16, 2020
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    I love you much more than a skein of Pembroke,
    I much prefer knitting than having to cook,
    But it’s Valentine’s Day so let’s take a break,
    Off to The Pepperpot to savour some cake,
    I’m scheming to add to my “townhouse” stash,
    So it’s into “This Is Knit” to part with some cash.

  • Brigid: September 16, 2020
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    I love you much more than this rhyme can invoke -
    ‘Cos honestly you’re such a wonderful bloke -
    But order for me some Silk yarn from Pembroke
    For a “This is Knit” scarf I could make – yes, bespoke,
    Then I’ll give you your answer – be “one of your folk” –
    And you’ll keep me in stitches forever – you joke!

  • Jaclyn Allen: September 16, 2020
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    I love you much more than
    Your fingering-weight sweater
    Which is all errors
    And no errata.
    Rip, rip, rip!

  • Brigid: September 16, 2020
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    I love you much more than this passion-knit yarn
    Or diamonds or purls could convey,
    ‘Cos our hearts are entwined, my dear Valentine,
    Like an intricate piece of crochet.

    We’re knit, two together, and darned well we know
    That our pattern is dyed-in-the-wool;
    Never mind riches, you keep me in stitches -
    And our teamwork is still pretty cool!

  • Brigid: September 16, 2020
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    I love you much more than this passion-knit yarn
    Or diamonds or purls could convey,
    ‘Cos our hearts are entwined, my dear Valentine,
    Like an intricate piece of crochet.

    We’re knit, two together, and darned well we know
    That our pattern is dyed-in-the-wool;
    We may be past stockings and garters -
    But our teamwork is still pretty cool!

  • Louise Dalton: September 16, 2020
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    I love you much more
    than my new skein of lovely angor. . . .
    . . . a yarn

  • Brid Murphy: September 16, 2020
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    I love you more than crochet and knitting.
    Sew spinning your crafty yarn seams fitting.
    Well singles I’ve done.
    Doubles are more fun.
    Townhouse treble soon……so we’re not quitting.

  • Victoria Lanari: September 16, 2020
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    I love you much more than my vibrant, squishy yarn stash and my clickety-clicking needles.

  • Fiona O'Dea: September 16, 2020
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    I love you much more than my precious yarn stash,
    If I give you a squish, will you give me more cash
    So that I can buy even more of the above,
    Now I don’t call that greed, I call it Yarn Love!

  • Calypso: September 16, 2020
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    I love you much more than myself, and that’s the reason why, to knit you a sweater, I got all the yarn on the shelf.

  • Áine Hackett: September 16, 2020
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    I love you much more than new balls of wool
    More than circular needles and pattern book
    I’ve put them aside to make room for you
    My amazing nephew Fionn

    To see you my piggy bank must stay full
    So I daren’t even venture to take a look
    At all those skeins of gorgeous texture and hue
    That could diminish my fund

    Instead of fancy projects now I mull
    Over this old yarn, those needles or that hook
    And wonder if there’s something to make or do
    For wearing or play time fun

    It’s worth it you know, for I am no fool
    And I love you much more after each new look
    For cuddles and kisses I’m front of the queue
    Racing to you in London

  • Anna Kurchenko: September 16, 2020
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    I love you much more than my red ruby yarn
    and I am knitting you a jumper for this Valentine.
    Please tell me my efforts will not be in vain
    and you will give me a ring on this special day.

  • Bronagh cohnolly: September 16, 2020
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    I love you much more than my knit pro interchangeables, and if you get me a pair of 3.25 symphonies, you’ll complete me….

  • Bronagh Connolly: September 16, 2020
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    I love you much more than my knit pro interchangeables, and if you get me some 3.25 symphonies, you’ll complete me….

  • Kieran Gaya: September 16, 2020
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    Blue-Faced Leicester are sheep
    holding their breath
    till you with baited breath
    how I love you,
    let me count
    the stitches

  • stephanie V: September 16, 2020
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    I love you much more than my stash of yarn for socks.
    Even more than a box of dark creamy chocs…
    You indulge my passions every day of the year. Love rocks!

  • Ger: September 16, 2020
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    I love you much more than having the right number of sts at the end of a row, Tink K2tog could M1 girl glow!

  • Tigerseye: September 16, 2020
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    For Bonnie & Scamp, my mutts!

    I love you more than Knitlab shawls, luxury yarns and lace with beads,
    just as well, as all that I knit or own now grows dog hairs like weeds!

  • Anne Marie McCarthy: September 16, 2020
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    I love you more than
    knitted socks
    cosy throws
    crocheted hats
    and fluffy pillows

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