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Grand Opening with Debbie Bliss

April 12 2007 – thisisknit

Well, quite a few of you have been asking and I can now reveal that Debbie Bliss will be, metaphorically, "cutting the ribbon" at TIK's new premises on Thursday the 10th of May :) We are very much looking forward to welcoming her and I am sure that there are lots of you who would love to come along for a chat with the woman herself.  Debbie enjoys meeting fellow knitters, getting feedback on her patterns and ideas for new ones!  So don't miss this opportunity to bend the ear of one of the most famous knitwear designers today.  She is more than happy to sign copies of her books and there will be plenty of special offers on the day for products in the Debbie Bliss range.  Official times are yet to be confirmed but we expect the event will run from 10.30am to 4.00pm. See you then!


  • Nicola: September 16, 2020
    Author's avatar image


    I’ll be there or bust! Just got her new book, Special Family Knits and am looking forward to starting something. Sounds like a perfect time to pick up some yarn and ask a few questions about the pattern at the same time.

    Well done youse…and thank you!


  • Mary: September 16, 2020
    Author's avatar image

    I’ll be there – I’ve booked the day off work!

  • corrie: September 16, 2020
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    ohhhhhhhhhhhhh I wish I was there! all the way from australia!!!!!!I’m jealous!!!!

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