Home|TIK News|Online Shop Now Searchable By Yarn Weight
Online Shop Now Searchable By Yarn Weight
July 08 2009 – thisisknit
Check out the new option to browse the online shop using yarn weight (4ply, DK, Aran etc...) rather than just by brand. What do you think?
We think it's a nice addition to the site and will make online shopping just that little more convenient for all.
1 comment
Deirdre: September 16, 2020
Hi! First visit to your shop today – OMG! Had to drag myself out of there after about an hour. As I said to you, the only improvement you could make would be to provide Bed & Breakfast facilities. Thanks! Deirdre
1 comment
Hi! First visit to your shop today – OMG! Had to drag myself out of there after about an hour. As I said to you, the only improvement you could make would be to provide Bed & Breakfast facilities. Thanks! Deirdre