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WWKIP Day 2008 - Competition!

May 19 2008 – thisisknit



How would you like to win:

1. A set of Harmony Knitpicks Interchangeable Needles;
2. A copy of Noro Mini Knits;
3. A skein of Noro Kureyon Sock Yarn;
4. A bag of "yarn-tasting" goodies; and
5. A €50 voucher for This is Knit?

Well you can do, by taking part in our (yarn harlot-inspired) WWKIP Knitting Picture Scavenger Hunt 2008!

If you are not familiar with the concept of WWKIP day you can visit the website and find out all about it. There is a meet-up planned for the afternoon of the 14th of June in St Stephen's Green in Dublin, and it is being organised by Aileen. Check it out ;)

What do you have to do I hear you say? Well, the idea is that you should take photographs of your knitting (it should be a work-in-progress) in various public locations and with certain people. For example: (and this is not one of the actual challenges) in a supermarket (one point). Or: in a supermarket with the checkout operator holding your knitting (3 points). There are 30 challenges and the person who gets the most points wins - simple, eh?

We have allocated a whole week for people to take the pictures i.e. any time from Sat the 7th of June to Sat the 14th of June (WWKIP Day itself) so there's plenty of opportunity to get involved. Also we have been careful to ensure that each of the challenges can be successfully met from anywhere in Ireland.

To enter the competition simply email us using this special address: wwkip thisisknit ie (remove the square brackets and spaces) with the following details:

1. Your name
2. Your location (just in general, full address not required or anything)
3. Your blog address (if applicable)
4. Your ravelry user name (if applicable)
5. Your telephone number so we can contact you directly if you win.

What we will do:

1. On Friday the 6th of June we will email everyone who has registered with us a pdf document which lists the challenges.
2. The pdf also has a flyer, which briefly explains what on earth is going on, just in case you are a bit shy in telling people. This flyer should also feature in all the challenge photographs.
3. In the same email you will receive an invite to the WWKIP Scavenger Hunt Flickr group, where your photographs should be submitted before the competition deadline of Monday 16th June.

And remember folks... points win prizes! :)


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