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Yarn Tasting 2010!

August 12 2010 – thisisknit

Yarn Tasting 2010 The official time & date for Yarn Tasting 2010 is 6pm Thursday 9th September - add it to your diaries folks! We’ll be changing things around a little this year to enhance everyone’s enjoyment of the evening :D The differences this time will be: 1. Tickets/Tasting Vouchers will go on sale ahead of time and should be available shortly. Watch this space for annoucements… 2. We would like to have one ticket for the whole evening this time so that everyone who attends will get a sample of every yarn & fibre on offer. This list is at 30 and could still grow… 3. We envisage having everything on display as before but “releasing” different yarn samples throughout the evening. Perhaps starting with chunky yarns and working our way to laceweight or vice-versa :D 4. Two wonderful Ravellers have offered their expertise for a special added extra to the evening that we think you will all love - details to follow! Things that will stay the same: 1. There will still be Raffle prizes on the night… 2. And lots of sample garments to try on… 3. And refreshments… 4. And fun times to be had! If anyone has any questions please feel free to ask them here. We’re really looking forward to this event and we’re hoping to make it even bigger and better than last year!


  • Yarn Tasting « Hook's Law: September 16, 2020
    Author's avatar image

    […] Tasting 10/09/2010 // 0 Thursday was the second (?) annual yarn tasting session organised by This Is Knit. The idea behind yarn tasting is to get a range of samples of the […]

  • chicwithstix: September 16, 2020
    Author's avatar image

    looking forward to this fun evening…

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