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Annis Knitalong - almost halfway there!

June 28 2010 – thisisknit

As many of you know, we are taking part in a This Is Knit knitalong of the beautiful free pattern Annis, which was published in the Spring/Summer issue of Knitty. We started on Sunday the 13th of June to finish within a 6-week timeframe, so there is still plenty of time to get involved if you are interested in participating. There are also a few fabulous incentives to the knitalong: 1. Yarn purchased for the chosen project will be eligible for a 10% discount. 2. Free assistance with the project will be available each Sunday for 6 weeks from June 13th at the Shop, from 2.30pm until 3.30pm. 3. Every knitter that finishes the project within the 6-week timeframe will be entered into a free raffle for a basketful of yarny goodies! Some of the speedier knitters have already finished theirs, to great effect! You can join in, look at the works in progress and amazing finished pieces on our Ravelry forum. Join us!


  • This is Knit Blog · Shh! I’m counting!: September 16, 2020
    Author's avatar image

    […] of you will remember the monumental cast on for the Annis shawl last summer, all 363 stitches of it. It was much easier if you put a stitch marker in after every […]

  • knitting neels » Conveyor belt: September 16, 2020
    Author's avatar image

    […] green is Malabrigo Sock in Lettuce and I bought it originally to join in on the Annis knitalong at This is Knit. I kind of put off casting on because of the huge amount of stitches to start with and the rumours […]

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