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Moving on up

June 24 2011 – thisisknit

A few months ago, a new customer came into the shop and asked if we knew how to find a knitting group in Dublin. Lilly had recently moved here from Toronto. As it happened, it was a Thursday, so we were able to suggest the group in Brooks Hotel for that very evening. Lilly was a very proficient knitter - she'd knit socks and mitts and shawls and baby clothes, but she'd never tried an adult garment. As for a lot of us, the idea of all that work and then the garment not being right was daunting. But then the TIK Spring Cardigan KAL was announced, and she decided to join in. She chose Clam, the Louisa Harding cardigan with the cabled panels at the fronts and cuffs. This was the result: Here's a close-up of those lovely cables: Lilly was so delighted with how Clam turned out that she's embarked on Reef from the same Ondine book. Here's a sneak preview: Reef is designed for two colours of Ondine, and you can see Lilly's combination here, along with a cappuccino from the Pepperpot: Over on the KAL Ravelry thread, news of finished Clams and Breakers has been building, so we've decided that our Birthday Party next week would be the perfect occasion to draw the KAL winner. Here's how you can enter, if you haven't already:
  • post a picture here and send us a PM with your name, contact phone number and email address;
  • email us a photo of your completed garment and your contact details;
  • strut your stuff right on in to the shop, give a little twirl, and leave us your info.
  • Lilly, thank you for letting us feature your cardigan and your lovely pictures. It's much appreciated. How many sleeps until the party? We can't wait!


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