Mastering your colourwork tension can be a tricky task. While it's true that this is something that will improve with practice and time, there are also some useful tricks we can share with you to help avoid common pitfalls. Knowing the ideal level of tension for your floats and understanding how to avoid puckers in your work will go a long way towards taking the stress out of your first colourwork project. Still find your floats too tight? Make sure to watch to the end for an extra bonus tip to get a little extra wiggle room in your work.

Welcome to Lesson Two
Techniques and Tips
Building Blocks
Lessons 2, 3 and 4 are your building blocks to colourwork success. There is a bit of overlap in the topics on these pages, so we recommend moving freely back and forth between these lesson, and re-watching the content as needed.
Once you have chosen your method of yarn management (e.g. one-handed or two-handed) and you are comfortable with chart reading, then you will be ready to work on your first colourwork swatch. This might seem like a lot of preparation but it will be worth it - we promise!
Techniques & Tips

Common Colourwork Terms
A quick reference guide to the most common used terms and abbreviations in stranded colourwork knitting. Download and print or save to your device to keep this handy chart close by!