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A little more about the move...

May 19 2009 – thisisknit

Moving Flyer
Be sure to pick up one of our Relocation Flyers when you are next in the Blackrock shop... they will entitle you to 10% off on your first purchase in the new expanded Powerscourt shop! We are hoping to get everything done over Sunday 31st May and Monday 1st June (when the Powerscourt Centre is closed)... but people have looked at us a *little* strangely when we have made this claim. We will keep you updated but the new space will be sorted out as soon as we can physically get it ready. Tuesday the 2nd might be a challenge but we'll see how we get on!! Don't forget about the last Knit Night in Blackrock (Thursday 28th of May). We are running a little roll call over here but if you are not a Ravelry member can you post a comment here on the blog so we know how many are coming? Thanks!


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