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Apple and Raspberry Slices...

November 18 2007 – thisisknit

That's what I'm baking for next Sunday. A few of you girls may remember them from last year's little get-together (and I know I promised to share the recipe but never managed to dig it out and send it around...). They're chewy, buttery, slightly tangy and fruity. And, this year, I'm hoping not to burn the whole first batch of them! If are handy in the kitchen then all contributions to the gathering would be very welcome but what we really want you to bring is you ideas! What is your "go to" pattern when you have to knit something on a deadline? What is simple to execute and yet impressive in result? Next Sunday it will be a month to the day away from Christmas - help your fellow knitters to get through the gift knitting season!! So start searching Ravelry, get on to Knitting Pattern Central, dig around on all those great knitting blogs out there and find us some gems. :) I have two new quick patterns that I'm really excited about! One involves a scrumptious Chilean kettle dyed yarn that I have been eyeing up since it hit our shelves. The other uses every knitter's favourite pettable mohair/silk yarn... except we do something to it that, initally, made me pale at the very thought... Jacqui has the knit-in-one-evening-hat (seriously, she has made five this week) and is working on some quicker than average socks. Intrigued? There's only one place to be if you want answers... We'll get started for 12.30pm - see you then!

1 comment

  • Yvonne: September 16, 2020
    Author's avatar image

    I will be bringing baking, and I’ll search for a few patterns too!

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