We're still here!
November 16 2007 – thisisknit
I promise! Charlene's not so subtle hinting at Knit Night last night (ahem... "I haven't seen a blog post in a long while") has given me the kick I needed to get posting again. I sound like a broken record now but it has been a busy few weeks and we have just about gotten the shop back in order after the Big Show. Speaking of which, this is our Stand for those of you that couldn't come along...
It was a full day's worth of work to get it set up, and that day was not without it's dramas. Those of you that read KnittingNeels will know that Jacqui was ill all day Wednesday and as it turns out I was ill on Wednesday night too. I'll spare you the gorey details but, needless to say, it wasn't pretty. However, the show must go on, and with Aileen's help on Thursday, it did. Thanks again Aileen!
We got to meet lots of great knitters, catch up with customers we have come to know over the last year and a half and hopefully we let a lot more people know where we are and that they can get real wool in Dublin!
The only dark cloud over the whole thing (you know, apart from the illness...) was the early closing on Thursday Night fiasco. I won't say very much about it but I just wanted to assure you all that we knew nothing about the change in hours until that very day and we were just as upset about it as you were.
Other than that we had a good show and would like to say thank you to everyone who visited the Stand, to our dedicated helpers: Carrie, Mary L, Michelle and Aileen (again!). We couldn't have done it without you :)
So, in the meantime, there has been knitting. The eagle-eyed among you may have spotted the finished Clapotis hanging up on the back wall of our stand above. Jacqui has knit a felted bag in all of 24 hours. I finished a multi-directional scarf, worked to below the waist ribbing on the Boatneck Bluebell, started and then frogged a sock and got bitten by the felting bug too. Jacqui is so-close-to-finishing a garter stitch jacket in Kochoran, the Trapeze Cardigan and chunky hat number 4 (in about a week). Pictures and details will be posted soon, promise...
I'm off to get ready for the morning's Lace Knitting Class. Before I go - don't forget the Christmas Think-In on Sunday the 25th of November!

1 comment
Thanks Lisa! That blog post went well with my afternoon coffee break on Friday :-)
See you next Sunday for the Think-In!