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Good news

January 10 2014 – thisisknit

It's always a good day when you get to announce good news, so we're particularly happy today. First of all, our winter sale has just started, and there's so much lovely yarn available at big discounts! You can find details of what's on offer at this link, and of course the sale is online as well as in the shop! Second, we're delighted to announce the winner of our Christmas newsletter competition: Susan Harvey has won a place at one of Carol Feller's workshops in February! (If you're not already getting the newsletter, you can sign up on our front page by scrolling down a little here.) Congratulations, Susan, and we hope you enjoy the workshop! If you didn't win, though, there's still a few places available for Carol's workshops, too. Her Sweater Surgery class on the morning of February 15th can be booked at this link. If you're looking for Short Rows Demystified, which is on the afternoon of the same day, you'll find details here. We're looking forward to Carol coming back to This Is Knit so much!


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