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In good shape

February 07 2014 – thisisknit

There's something very satisfying about making a garment that fits its wearer comfortably and well, and this little jacket is a perfect example. It's Carol Feller's Rossbeg and it's got a massive age range of two to ten years. And since not all wee ones are the same shape, you can customise it very easily. Knitted from the top down, starting with that pretty curved yoke shaped with short rows, you can make it as long as you want: just finish when you're done! The same's true of the sleeves: full length or three quarter length, it's up to you (and the future wearer, of course). Carol's use of such simple and clever techniques is one of the hallmarks of her work, and there's still a couple of places left for her workshops with us on Saturday February 15th. There's one on sweater surgery, so you'll be able to improve and fix a garment that hasn't turned out as you'd like. There's also one expressly on short rows. You can find out more about both and book a coveted place by clicking on the links. Carol's workshops are always popular and fun, and we've very excited about these ones. And for another particularly dotey example of Carol's short row magic, a Ravi Junior cardigan was featured on our facebook page during the week. Modelled by one of our very favourite young people and knitted by Jen, you can see it here. Aww!


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