Learn from Amy Singer!
August 02 2011 – thisisknit

We're terribly excited about this one! It's been in the planning for a good while, and finally we can announce it. Amy Singer's coming to This Is Knit in October to give not one but
two workshops.
Amy's probably best known as the editor of
Knitty, the online knitting and spinning magazine. She's also written
Knit Wit and
No Sheep For You, about knitting with fibres other than wool (she's allergic) and co-authored
Big Girl Knits and
More Big Girl Knits. She's a spinner and a talented teacher. And she has rabbits, though they'll be staying in Toronto in October.
The first workshop is on Sunday 23rd October and it's a full day (11.00am to 5.00pm). It's called the Plug & Play Shawl Design Workshop. If you've made a lace shawl or two, and you fancy striking out on your own to make something unique and lovely, this class will help you. You can read more about it and book your place
The following afternoon, from 2.00pm to 5.00pm, Amy's giving a workshop called Making the Next "Monkey", "Mr Greenjeans" or "Mrs Beeton" - or the inside scoop on getting published in Knitty! If you've got an idea for a pattern (or indeed, a finished pattern) that you want the world to know about, this workshop will help you maximise your chances of getting it out there - what to do and what absolutely not to do. It's three hours of expert guidance and advice, and you can find out more and book at
this link.
In a year which has featured lots of very exciting events, these ones will definitely stand out. Places are limited, though, so make sure you book yours in good time. We hope to see you there, and we can't wait to see what new designs you'll have!