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We had a party! (Episode II)

July 08 2011 – thisisknit

We were so lucky last week to have such talented designers joining us to celebrate, and to get a chance to see some of their designs in real life. If crochet's your thing, then the opportunity to see AoibheNí's work was exciting. She's doing fresh and beautiful things with crochet - have a look at these: That's the stitch pattern on her Dublin Bay Shawl (there's more about it, and more pictures, on this Ravelry thread). And here's Ruadh: Aoibhe is one of our crochet teachers here, so if crochet isn't your thing, we can help there!) You'll be learning from one of the very best. In the last few years, Carol Feller has become one of the most interesting knitting designers on the international stage. She came to us straight from TNNA, and her book Contemporary Irish Knits will be published very soon (we can hardly wait!). The blue sweater in that picture is featured in the book, and the delicate shawl is Maenad. When it came time for Debbie Bliss to introduce some of her new designs, we had such fun. Some of the partygoers got to model them, and they performed with aplomb. Here's a selection: The star of the show, without a doubt, was our youngest guest. Megan modelled several new Debbie Bliss designs, and when asked to give a twirl, gave us the best one of the night: Seeing Debbie's designs on lots of different people underlined an important part of her philosophy - it's possible to make garments that look amazing on us all. Here's a case in point: this cardigan jacket is designed for a woman, but doesn't it look fantastic on a man? Skippy's sworn to make one this autumn - in fact, that was the reaction of a lot of our models: "I'm definitely making one of these for myself!" Of course, we will be getting the patterns and yarns for all of these and lots more over the next few months, so keep an eye here and in the newsletter. There are exciting new yarns coming too. We can't mention all of them, but here's one we can't keep to ourselves: It's a superbulky chainette yarn, it's an alpaca/merino blend and words can't convey how soft it is. You'll have to feel it for yourself. This party was the best way we could have celebrated our birthday, and we couldn't have had better friends to do it. Because of your generosity, we're able to pass on €500 to the Irish Cancer Society. Thank you more than we can say. ... and at the end, you know, there was no cake at all.


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