We had a party! (Episode I)

July 05 2011 – thisisknit

We've got such a lot to tell you! In fact, we've got so much we want to cram in that we're going to take two posts to do it. Today we're going to share some memories of the party, and then on Friday we'll talk about the lovely new designs that we got previews of. On Wednesday, the loft looked like this: When we were setting up on Thursday, it looked like this: (That's Debbie Bliss on the left!) When seventy-odd lovely knitters, crocheters and designers had arrived, it looked like this: There were flowers: There was Prosecco served by charming barmen: There was new yarn: There were tantalising sample garments: There were small knitted characters: Best of all, wherever one looked, there were crocheters and knitters, working away, sharing patterns, chatting avidly.... That's Skippy along with Debbie in the last picture. He'd flown in from Chicago! There was, of course, cake, made specially by Marion and Dervla at the Pepperpot: We're so happy that so many of you were there, and we're so sorry that some of you couldn't make it. Thank you, all.


  • Birthday weekend « knit/lab: September 16, 2020
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    […] (in yellow on extreme right), and Irish designers Carol Feller and Aoibhe Ni. Much better pictures here. Friday was my birthday, Saturday was a walk in Wicklow: Freshly shorn, graffitti-covered sheep […]

  • Lisa: September 16, 2020
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    Aoibhe: Wow! I only saw it when you pointed it out!!! Fair play to them – they really are superstars :D :D

  • Maryl: September 16, 2020
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    Fabulous looking cake ………….. and it tasted fantastic too!!!!!!!!!!

    What did the ball of yarn grow up to be?

    Congratulations to all who worked so hard to make it such a lovely evening.
    I am only sorry that I didn’t make Carol’s and Aoibhe’s talks.

  • Diane: September 16, 2020
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    it was a great evening…you guys know how to throw a party! Well done team This is Knit.

  • Aoibhe: September 16, 2020
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    I didn’t get to “meet” the cake until after it had been well and truly sliced up, so I missed the fact that The Pepperpot had gone to the trouble of copying the font in your logo. How awesome are they?!

    It was a most wonderful day. I think it is safe to say that today is the first day I haven’t felt like I needed to “recover” from all the fun!

  • julie: September 16, 2020
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    Oh, what fun we had :D

    It was a fantastic party, so lovely to meet old friends and make new ones, drink bubbly, eat cake, try on samples… oh and buy discounted yarn too ;)

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