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June 09 2012 – thisisknit

If you’ve ever wondered why the pictures of your lovely finished objects come out too dark, too bright, or weirdly orange, then we can help! Julie and Siobhán, respectively elven and jewelandarlin on Ravelry, are giving a photography workshop on Saturday June 30th. We’ll start by looking at the “ingredients” that go to make up a successful photograph - lighting, background and composition, then how to use the right settings on your camera to get the best results. We’ll have a hands-on session to put it all into practice, then some questions and answers back in the classroom. You won't need fancy equipment - a point-and-shoot camera and a yarny finished object is all that's required. And you'll find that what you learn makes all your photography better, not just your project pictures. Julie's photoblog is at and Siobhán's is You can book a place for this workshop online at this link, or give us a call - your finished objects will thank you!


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