What a day!

May 22 2012 – thisisknit

We're happy to report that we had a terrific Sunday. Carol Feller was here to give a workshop called "Moving Beyond the Raglan", revealing her techniques for working cunning shoulders and yokes in top-down jumpers and cardigans. The workshop was marvellously hands-on. There was careful measuring... ...and then there was calculation... ...and then it was time to cast on: And there was excellent knitting craic: We're really hoping that the participants will share their finished projects with us in time, but until then, we're fascinated by the garments that Carol brought along to show us. There was her Azami, from the Twist Collective: There was Knockmore, from Contemporary Irish Knits. And there was the wonderful cardigan pictured at the top of this post. It's Ravi, Carol's 100th pattern. In celebration, she's releasing it in stages from the middle of June. It's such a clever and elegant pattern - several of us are eyeing it avidly, and thinking about using Malabrigo Finito, or Sublime Cashmere Merino Silk or...oh, choices! On Saturday, AoibheNí gave a stunning Tunisian lace workshop which was an equally big success. We're planning a special blog feature on her work, so make sure to check back for that. We've got all sorts of special workshops and events planned over the next few months, so keep an eye on our Classes and Events page for details. We'd love to see you.


  • This is Knit Blog · What a night!: September 16, 2020
    Author's avatar image

    […] that Carol had a KnitALong to celebrate her 100th pattern and that we had a chance to see it during her workshop back in May. Lisa was wearing hers, and we kept seeing them walking […]

  • This is Knit Blog · Ravishing: September 16, 2020
    Author's avatar image

    […] in May, when Carol Feller gave us her workshop on novel techniques for top-down construction, we had a sneak preview of her hundredth pattern, a lovely cardigan called […]

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