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Wild and Windy Wednesday

February 28 2007 – thisisknit

I hope you are all staying wrapped up well against this windy day! It's definitely scarf and shawl weather out there... I've been keeping busy listening to Snow Patrol and getting a few new books ready to go online. No Fitted Knits, Lace Style or Yarnplay yet. It seems the babies are taking priority today: Natural Knits Nursery Knits Both really beautiful books. I wish I had them a few weeks ago when I cast on for my makey-uppey Baby Sleep Sack. My poor friends' three week old baby girl is still waiting on a knitted gift from me... Jacqui is coming to the rescue as she is going to make her a top-down cardigan this weekend at Saturday morning's class. I have every confidence it'll be off the needles by Sunday night as she is already nearly finished this: Knitting Pure and Simple Tunic Ok, ignore the sunglasses. This is a really nice pattern from Knitting Pure and Simple. We got a few copies of this and a few of this wrap cardigan: KP&S Wrap Cardigan Anyway, Jacqui cast on for the Tunic last Thursday night and she's at the end of the second sleeve. There's just the hood to go, but she's thinking of changing it to a shawl collar instead. I have lifted some instructions from another project on my wish-list Something Red from the Garter Belt and it would seem easy enough to do (famous last words...) So her progress has been such we don't even have photos but the FO will be posted here as soon as. We're loving Knitting Pure and Simple and will be ordering more patterns today. Most of them are Top Down and seamless - what's not to love? One item of bad news for today I'm afraid. The Debbie Bliss Cashmerino range will be going up in price during the month of March. There has been a 20% increase from our supplier and the new RRP is now €5.95 - we're not going to put this on all at once but the price will have to go up over the next while. Sorry everyone.


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