Nearly Friday already?

February 22 2007 – thisisknit

Wow, this week has flown by. We're just about recovered from the 4am start on Monday... Pop down to us this weekend to see the new Lorna's Laces yarn we have in stock. I'll do my best to get it on the website asap but here's a sneak preview... Lion and Lamb Shepherd Sock Lien dropped in to show us her completed pair of Lana Grossa socks, knit from the toe up using a short row toe and heel. Lana Grossa Socks We are taking a short break from the classes this week but we'll be back on the 3rd of March with the first installment of Knitting from the Top Down.


  • Cheryl: September 16, 2020
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    Hi Lisa!

    I’m so far behind the times in the knitting world… I just checked in to find that you’re blog is not only up and running but has been for quite a while! I could use the excuse that I’ve been sick for the past month or so, but still….

    It looks just great and I’m looking forward to keeping up on your news! Yep, going right now to add it to my Bloglines….

  • knitting neels » Back where I was: September 16, 2020
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    […] got fantastic books coming in and have you seen the preview of the new Lorna’s Laces colours here? Waiter, one large bib […]

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