Seeking Workshop Tutors...
Keep readingNew Six-Week Knitting Courses
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Calling all budding sock knitters!
January 16 2008
Just a quickie to say that there are a couple of places left on the 26th of Jan and 2nd of Feb Sock Knitting Classes - if you would like to get involved just drop me a line ;)
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Class Timetable for 2008 Now Available!
December 11 2007
Just a quickie for this evening :) Pop on over to the classes page to view our Schedule for Winter/Spring and nearly into Summer! I hope you think it was worth waiting for. All of our classes were very well attended this year and quite a few were booked out weeks in advance soooo if there is something you really,...
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Class Schedule Updates
October 09 2007
There have been a few changes to our class schedule recently so I thought it would be a good idea to highlight them here. The Custom Fit Your Knits Class has now been moved to the 25th of November and replaces the Colourwork Class. On the 20th of October, we have provisionally scheduled a Beginners' Class, which will run if...
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Sunshine and/or socks??
June 26 2007
Just throwing this one out there... Would anyone be interested in a sock knitting class over the first two Saturdays of August? Bearing in mind that the first Saturday will be over the bank holiday weekend? The class can be a beginners class, a toe up method class or a combination of both as Mary and I are quite happy...
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The Quick Rundown
April 24 2007
So here it is - the Class/Workshop Schedule... I'll pop it up on the main website as soon as... May: Weds 2nd: Introduction to Knitting for Beginners Weds 9th: All about Knitting in the Round Sat 12th: Reading/Understanding Written Patterns Sat 19th: Professional Finishing Techniques Weds 23rd: Simple Shaping Skills - Increases and Decreases Weds 30th: Learn the Magic Loop...
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New Round of Classes will be announced soon
April 20 2007
We have had a lot of enquiries about our classes of late and I promise the schedule is on it's way! Check back in here early(-ish) next week and I should have it for you. The teachers now have it and once they confirm all is ok then I'll go ahead and put in on the website. One thing I...
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Yarn and Chocolate
March 06 2007
It was a really fun weekend over at TIK in Blackrock. The title of this post is fairly indicative... Top Down Knitting kicked off the weekend. Jacqui stole some of the new Rialto yarn in her all time favourite colour (Teal) to get that baby cardigan started. Rialto will be up on the website soon, promise! Jacqui's getting a bit...
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And they’re off…
February 18 2007
Just for a day or two. :) Jacqui and I will be in Birmingham tomorrow, "working" hard on your behalf i.e. seeing, feeling, ooh-ing and aah-ing over new yarns and knitting paraphernalia at a the Craft, Hobby and Stitch Show. Dispatch of internet orders will be slightly delayed but, over the coming months, I think you will see it has...
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Weekend Knitting
February 13 2007
It seems there was a shocking lack of picture-taking this weekend… If I had taken pictures, you would be looking at three would-be lace knitters woman-fully tackling the magic loop technique for the first time on Saturday morning and another cementing her knitting knowledge. Winter’s best attempt at bug-spreading meant that lace knitting is being re-arranged for a later date...
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February 08 2007
Well, the week has flown by so far and we're looking forward to a busy weekend of classes at TIK. Introduction to Lace 2 is happening on Saturday morning, when all of these girls will be joining us again: And here's a little example of a lace edging we were working on last Saturday: With thanks to Charlene for letting...
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Photo Friday
February 02 2007
Spring has arrived! And finally all those lovely new balls of yarn that had been waiting patiently in the stock room have had their moment in the sun. I'm quite picky about photographing our yarn in natural daylight, to the extent that I was checking out the Met Eireann website earlier this week so I could plan the best day...
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Date set for next Beginners’ Class
January 30 2007
Fellow friendly knitting enthusiast confirmed, venue booked and plenty of takers - the next Knitting for Beginners Class is set for Sunday the 11th of February from 2 to 4.30 pm. I'll send out a group email to all of you that have enquired to date but we can squeeze in one or two more so drop me a line...
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