Things to come
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On your marks!
July 26 2012
We're approaching peak fitness for the Ravellenic Games, and the fun begins tomorrow evening. If you'd like to join us in the shop, then the doors of the South William Street entrance to the Powercourt Centre will be open until 6.30 - the security men know we're expecting you and will let you in. If you want to show your...
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Let's play Tag!
July 16 2012
With just under two weeks to go before the start of the Ravellenic Games 2012, excitement is building and projects are being chosen. So we thought it would be a good idea to talk about how to tag your Games projects so that they get counted for the glory of the Team! Each Games project that you participate with needs...
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Training days
July 07 2012
We're in the midst of gearing up for the (renamed) Ravellenic Games here. After all, there's only 21 days to go before the Mass Cast On! Across the world, there's a staggering 532 teams registered to take part. It's still possible to join the Team This Is Knit high jinks, of course, so if you haven't already done so, head...
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Citius, Altius, Fortius!
June 15 2012
We're delighted to announce that for the first time ever, This Is Knit will have a team in Ravelympics 2012! The Ravelympics is a two-week-and-a-bit-long event coinciding with the Olympics, and just like the athletic competitions, it provides a challenge and a stretch and lots of community spirit and a ton of gleeful fun, for Ravelry members all over the...
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WWKiP update!
June 14 2012
There's been a slight change of location for Saturday's Worldwide Knit in Public event in Stephen's Green. Because June 16th is Bloomsday, there's an afternoon of readings and songs from Ulysses from 3.00pm until 6.00pm at the bandstand. So the knitters will be a little distance away, at the children's playground. We won't be hard to spot, so do drop...
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Summer's here and the time is right...
June 11 2012
...for knitting in public! It's World Wide Knit in Public Day on Saturday next, June 16th, and once more we're delighted to be part of the fun. Sunshine, yarn and prizes! There's an official WWKiP event organised for St Stephen's Green on Saturday afternoon - there's details at this link. Before moving up to the Green, we're kicking off the...
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June 09 2012
If you’ve ever wondered why the pictures of your lovely finished objects come out too dark, too bright, or weirdly orange, then we can help! Julie and Siobhán, respectively elven and jewelandarlin on Ravelry, are giving a photography workshop on Saturday June 30th. We’ll start by looking at the “ingredients†that go to make up a successful photograph - lighting,...
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What a day!
May 22 2012
We're happy to report that we had a terrific Sunday. Carol Feller was here to give a workshop called "Moving Beyond the Raglan", revealing her techniques for working cunning shoulders and yokes in top-down jumpers and cardigans. The workshop was marvellously hands-on. There was careful measuring... ...and then there was calculation... ...and then it was time to cast on: And...
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Just the ticket
April 20 2012
We've talked a good bit in recent weeks about our new online shop and some of the spiffing things it can do. There's another innovation we've been rather pleased with in recent months: our booking system for classes and events. We thought it might be useful to tell you how it works, so here's a walkthrough. When you see something...
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Shawlettes on tour!
March 15 2012
This is a rather special post, because This Is Knit has been asked to review Jean Moss's new book, Sweet Shawlettes. We've been chosen by the Taunton Press to take part in a worldwide blog tour, and we're delighted to participate. Jean Moss is a legend among knitters: she's renowned as a designer and teacher, and she's perhaps best known...
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Let's celebrate!
November 11 2011
It's just over a month since we moved to our new premises, so we think it's time to celebrate! We're having an Opening Party, and Louisa Harding is coming to perform the Ribbon Cutting! It's going to happen on Thursday 24th November, at 6.00pm. It's not formal and it's not fussy, but if you'd like to come along and join...
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It's show time!
November 01 2011
It's less than two weeks to the Knitting and Stitching Show, the country's biggest textile show, and we're looking forward to it hugely. It's a chance to meet a lot of you, particularly those of you from outside Dublin whom we usually only talk to on the phone or online. It's also an opportunity to see things we don't see...
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Show the world!
October 11 2011
There are many reasons why working in This Is Knit is exciting, but one of the biggest is the sheer creativity of our customers. You come in through the doors every day and show us what you've just done: you've devised a new pair of booties, or you've combined two yarns that no-one's thought of combining before, or you've invented...
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It's shiny, it's new and it's here!
September 28 2011
The new unit opened at noon today, and you know, we think it's lovely. On Saturday evening at 5.30pm, there was a staggering amount of work to do. Stock to be moved, shelving to be taken down and moved, boxes by the dozen to shift: if you were following us on Twitter (we're @ThisIsKnit), you'll have seen some of it...
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It's official!
September 20 2011
We are very happy to announce the details of our forthcoming move. It's happening this weekend. This Is Knit will shut at 5.30pm on Sat 24th September and reopen at 12pm on Weds 28th September, in our lovely new premises beside the Pepperpot, just round the corner from our old units. The new unit will be bigger than the sum...
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Tasting notes!
September 13 2011
If you encounter any of us on the street, you'll know us by the wide grins we've been wearing since last Thursday. We had not one but two exciting events, you see: the launch of Carol Feller's new book, Contemporary Irish Knits, followed immediately (and overlapped for a hour) by Yarn Tasting 2011. So here's a brief recap! Working in...
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A glimpse
September 07 2011
We're quite excited over here. We've just under forty eight hours to go before the launch of Carol Feller's Contemporary Irish Knits and the Yarn Tasting. (As of the time of writing, there's a couple of places available for both, if you're free and want to attend.) Just like last year, the Yarn Tasting will feature delicious new yarns, special...
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Do something good
August 29 2011
We've all seen the news reports and images of the horror that's going on in the Horn of Africa. There's many ways to help, but here's one for crafters. Next Saturday, September 3rd, there's a craft day in aid of famine relief in Damer Hall on Stephen's Green. You can view full details at this page. There's a wide range...
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